
SimpleMonitor is available via PyPi:

pip install simplemonitor


You may want to install it in a virtualenv, or you can use pipx which automatically manages virtualenvs for command-line tools.

Create the configuration files: monitor.ini and monitors.ini. See Configuration.


I know the configuration file names are dumb, sorry.


Just run:


SimpleMonitor does not fork. For best results, run it with a service management tool such as daemontools, supervisor, or systemd. You can find some sample configurations for this purpose on GitHub.

SimpleMonitor will look for its configuration files in the current working directory. You can specify a different configuration file using -f.

You can verify the configuration files syntax with -t.

By default, SimpleMonitor’s output is limited to errors and other issues, and it emits a . character every two loops. Use -H to disable the latter, and -v, -d and -q (or -l) to control the former.

If you are using something like systemd or multilog which add their own timestamps to the start of the line, you may want --no-timestamps to avoid having unnecessary timestamps added.

Command Line Options Reference

General options

-h, --help

show help message and exit


show version number and exit

Execution options

-p PIDFILE, --pidfile PIDFILE

Write PID into this file

-N, --no-network

Disable network listening socket (if enabled in config)

-f CONFIG, --config CONFIG

configuration file (this is the main config; you also need monitors.ini (default filename)

-j THREADS, --threads THREADS

number of threads to run for checking monitors (default is number of CPUs detected)

Output options
-v, --verbose

Alias for --log-level=info

-q, --quiet

Alias for --log-level=critical

-d, --debug

Alias for --log-level=debug

-H, --no-heartbeat

Omit printing the . character when running checks

-l LOGLEVEL, --log-level LOGLEVEL

Log level: critical, error, warn, info, debug

-C, --no-colour, --no-color

Do not colourise log output


Do not prefix log output with timestamps

Testing options
-t, --test

Test config and exit

These options are really for testing SimpleMonitor itself, and you probably don’t need them.

-1, --one-shot

Run the monitors once only, without alerting. Require monitors without “fail” in the name to succeed. Exit zero or non-zero accordingly.

--loops LOOPS

Number of iterations to run before exiting


Print out loaded Monitor, Alerter and Logger types